
How to get pdf file research papers
How to get pdf file research papers

A Communication must convey the scientific findings concisely in abstract, main text, and graphical elements not exceeding 2200 words.Communications and Articles must contain both an Abstract and a Table of Contents (TOC) graphic in the manuscript document file.All authors must be listed on the submission page with current contact information and a direct/valid e-mail address for each.Title of manuscript, list of authors, and order of authors must be the same on all pieces of the submission.Acronyms and abbreviations are not permitted in manuscript titles, unless they are broadly familiar to readers in all disciplines of chemistry.Titles of manuscripts may not contain the words “First” or “Novel” nor any part number or series number.A significant number of submissions are returned without sending them on for further processing. When a manuscript is submitted to JACS, Editors must make an initial editorial judgment regarding its suitability for the journal’s audience.Important Manuscript Submission Requirements and Notices Resolution | Size | Color | Types of Graphics | Table of Contents (TOC)/Abstract Graphic | Figures | Charts | Tables | Schemes | Chemical Structures | Cover Art | Web Enhanced Objects (WEO) Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry.Journal of the American Chemical Society.The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.- The Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry.Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation.- Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences.Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling.- I&EC Chemical & Engineering Data Series.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.- I&EC Product Research and Development.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.

how to get pdf file research papers

- Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry.

how to get pdf file research papers

  • Environmental Science & Technology Letters.
  • ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
  • ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science.

  • How to get pdf file research papers